At Bluefin Technology Partners, we explore opportunities to integrate smart and connected capabiliti...
The Bluefin Blog
All things IOT and Connected Technology

Year of the Ear We are really excited to announce that Bluefin has partnered with Cecilia.FM to offe...

Major Fitness equipment producer Life Fitness is beginning to create a whole new connected experienc...

Security is the main concern! The Threats are real and admitting that is a step in the right directi...

Is Voice The New Touch?
Gone are the days when your home’s IoT devices are controlled through your smartphone or web browser...

IoT has made another industry one of their own -- personal health and wellness. Throughout this seri...

Notes from Voice Summit 2019
I spent some of this past week at the massive Voice Summit 2019. Thousands attended to learn and sha...
You want your brand to be viewed as an industry leader and innovator. Yet, despite your best efforts...

Businesses are pursuing new ways to make everyday devices smart and connected. Case and point: smart...
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