Bluefin Technology Partners Blog

Wait, What... its Y.O.T.E.

Written by Jay Cahill | Jul 19, 2023 6:57:20 PM

Year of the Ear

We are really excited to announce that Bluefin has partnered with Cecilia.FM to offer an in-depth workshop on the magic and mystic of what’s going on in the soundscape of Smart Speakers, Podcasts, and custom branded playlists and content.

The workshop, led by Cecilia’s Susan Stone, provides meaningful insights and bare truths about how audio and strategies to penetrate the headphones of consumers are so tightly integrated to pop-culture and influencing buyers. If you’ve debated the value of building an Alexa Skill, Podcasting, or curating audio content for branding purposes — you need to book a slot or attend one of the national events (dates coming soon).

Having worked closely with Susan and Rob at Cecilia on a number of projects including the launch of Johnson & Johnson’s Aveeno - Me Timer on Alexa - their experience and deep understanding of how to scale your brand through sound is game-changing. Their influence on our own sound strategies at Bluefin has helped us drive new innovation and create unique experiences for our customers.

If you haven’t yet, take a review of the Y.O.T.E Website - if you have questions or interested in a custom workshop - ring us up. We’re here to listen.

